Why pre-arrange your funeral?

Gaining an assurance that our inevitable passing is planned for

We insure our homes and possessions in case of an untoward event. Pre-arranged Funeral planning is in a similar way, an assurance that our inevitable passing is planned for.

A pre-arranged funeral is planned in advance, personal details and funeral wishes are recorded by your chosen Funeral Director. When the death occurs, the family or person responsible for making the funeral arrangements will need to sign the prepared documents. in consultation with the Funeral Director you will need to set the time and day for the funeral service.

The option of pre-payment is usually offered through the facilities of a funeral bond or through funeral insurance with one of our service providers.

Pre-arrangement of funerals is not a morbid decision, it is not wishing for death upon a family member but simply an assurance that your funeral arrangements are taken care of.

Heritage Brady Funeral Directors endorse a number of Funeral Benefit Plans. These plans are government approved and designed to safely invest monies set aside to pay for the funeral. The funds are totally secure and safe.

They grow through interest and dividends paid overtime, keeping pace with the cost of the funeral, even though the costs may be affected by rising inflation. If you are in receipt of a means tested pension, current legislation allows for a major portion of the funeral bond to be exempt from consideration as an asset.

Having a pre-arranged funeral at today’s prices, you then by means of a lump sum or agreed time payment scheme, invest the value of the funeral.

This planning leaves your family with little, if anything to pay when the funeral is needed. The funds will allow you to nominate the Funeral Director of your choice, to be the prime beneficiary of the plan you have bought, thus saving your family form administrative concern.

Pre-arrange your funeral today

Established in 1981 we have been a locally family owned and operated Funeral Home
providing caring support to families of Far North Queensland

Exceptional service

We are a well-respected and trusted local Funeral Home, established in 1981. We continue to be committed in providing the community and their families, professional, dignified and affordable funeral care.

What should I do?

When a death occurs in your family, it is important to contact your preferred Funeral Director immediately, we can advise you of the correct procedures to follow.

Why pre-arrange?

We insure our homes and possessions in case of an untoward event. Pre-arranged Funeral planning is in a similar way, an assurance that our inevitable passing is planned for.

Tribute centre

We provide a tribute centre for our communities past loved ones. You will also find our live streaming services here if you cannot attend the service personally.

Phone: (07) 4056 1627 – (24 hours)
Email: info@heritagebradyfunerals.com.au

At Heritage Brady Funeral Directors we ensure this important moment is covered with the utmost respect and dignity. Since 1981 we have been privileged to serve our local community and walked this journey with you.

We appreciate this moment in your life and will always assist in every way possible.